Ko Fight Club
our taxes at work
(ad banner from Keenspace, our keen webcomic host)

Welcome to Ko Fight Club!
Eclectic comics about go, boardgames, the Bench, Watchmen, Fight Club, Shakespeare, Esperanto, Toki Pona, etc. by Russ Williams
I also make a strip every Tuesday at Comicollage.
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After a lifechanging summer in Europe, I'm moving to Poland! A crazy friend has set up an ebay auction to sell 5 years of my Ko Fight Club and Comicollage art.

Post vivŝanĝa somero en Eŭropo, mi transloĝiĝos al Pollando! Freneza amiko faras aŭkcion ĉe ebay por forvendi 5 jarojn da mia arto por Ko Fight Club kaj Comicollage.

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Ko Fight Club News

2005-01-17 Making Life is a new go-related webcomic. Making Life estas nova retkomikso pri goo.

2004-10-30 There's a new interview with Ted Rall at comixpedia. They solicited questions from readers and used 10; 5 of them were mine! Also I discovered that keenspace supplies rss for webcomics, so you can get an announcement when a new comic appears. You can use http://kofightclub.com/rss.xml for that.

Estas nova (angla) intervjuo kun Ted Rall, kaj 5 el la 10 demandoj estas de mi! Ankaŭ mi malkovris ke keenspace liveras rss por la retkomiksoj, por ke oni ricevu anoncon kiam nova komikso aperas. Vi rajtas uzi http://kofightclub.com/rss.xml por tio.

2004-10-11 This past week I have decided to do a comic every day, due to the impending presidential election.

Pasintan semajnon mi decidis verki komikson ĉiutage, pro la venonta prezidenta elekto.

2004-07-03 I am leaving for a long vacation trip to several exciting and glamorous destinations. If keenspace autoupdating works well, the next 6 weekly comics will appear ok, and you will see the continuing glory of political minimalism, as begun 2004-06-28. The curious may check my blog for updates.

Mi komencas longan ferian vojaĝadon al kelkaj ekscitaj kaj belaj lokoj. Se la aŭtomata komiksĝisdatigilo funkcias bone, la sekvontaj ses semajnaj komiksoj aperos ĝuste, kaj vi vidos la daŭran gloron de politika minimumismo, kiel komenciĝis je 2004-06-28. La scivolantoj rajtas kontroli mian taglibron por enskriboj.

2004-06-16 I had silly fun doing a guest comic for Planet Earth (and other tourist traps) (which spoofs their 2004-05-05 comic). Also if you are interested in my recent stencil art, I've been putting some in my stencilrevolution gallery.

2004-05-05 Today is Online Comics Day!

I've also added the political "Our taxes at work" icon at the top of my site to more prominently raise awareness about what the US is becoming, and to encourage people to learn more and get more active. It seems like too many folks are unwilling to admit that the utopian US and the current administration could ever do wrong. Instead of "My country right or wrong", how about "If my country is doing something wrong, let's stop doing wrong."

2004-04-05 Online Comics Day aka Webcomics Awareness Day is on the way again (May 5) for its fourth year, so if you make webcomics and want to participate, read the FAQ. This year, Jim Alexander and I have handed the wrangling of this group event over to Howard Tayler and David Brady, and they're setting up some neat automation that would have saved Jim and me much pain. :)

2004-03-08 Goomi's Unspeakable Vault (of Doom) is a French cartoonist's fun spin on the Lovecraft mythos!

2004-02-15 Pardonu min, ke Keenspace fuŝis dum la lastatempaj semajnoj, kaj mi ne povis alŝuti dosierojn. Sorry that Keenspace was hosed the last few weeks, and I couldn't upload files.

2003-12-08 Jack Chick renkontas Ktulhu!

2003-11-27 Feliĉan Dankofeston! Se vi legas User Friendly, vi povas legi miajn tradukojn Esperantajn tie, kiujn mi komencis 2003-11-08. Happy Thanksgiving! If you read User Friendly, you can read my Esperanto translations, which I began 2003-11-08.

2003-09-15 The Wonderful World of Go is a Flash cartoon/comic introducing the game of go.

Post hodiaŭ mi ne daŭros mencii ke tabuloludantoj povas legi la plej novan Russkonraporton.

2003-08-25 Mi vidis kaj ŝatis la strangan interesan filmon Dracula de Guy Maddin. Kaj la muziko de la filmo 28 Tagoj Poste bonegas.

Tabuloludantoj povas legi la plej novan Russkonraporton.

2003-08-25 La libro SPX 2003 bonegas.

Tabuloludantoj povas legi la plej novan Russkonraporton.

2003-08-18 Mi ĝuis la filmon 28 Tagoj Poste, kun la alia fino. Ankaŭ mi ĝuis la filmon Terminatoro 3. Ankaŭ denove dankon al Kelly Price por la riparo de miaj ligiloj, kiuj nun funkcias. Mi ne scias kial russ.keenspace.com ne funkcias, sed mi kredas ke ĉiuj miaj ligiloj nun uzas kofightclub.com, do bone.

Tabuloludantoj povas legi la plej novan Russkonraporton.

2003-08-14 For mysterious reasons my site's archive navigation was screwed up the past couple weeks due to russ.keenspace.com (which is what kofightclub.com is mapped to) seeming to become partially inaccessible... thanks to keenspace wrangler Kelly Price of Stalag 99 for quick help getting it sorted out! If anyone finds any broken links still, please let me know.

2003-08-11 Per la finna goretpaĝaro suomigo.net mi trovis novan bonan retkomikson pri goo: Almost Sente de K.Budzinski. Ankaŭ mi legis Steppenwolf de Hermann Hesse kaj ĝuis ĝin.

Tabuloludantoj povas legi la plej novan Russkonraporton.

July 28 2003: A Toki Pona enthusiast Pije emailed me and has a good Toki Pona website. Also, I was surprised and delighted to see a go-related banner ad on KoFC (my free webcomic host keenspace requires the banner ad) for goplusplus.com. Especially appropriate since next week I'll be at the annual US Go Congress (in Houston this year). Maybe there will be a guest strip next week.

Boardgamers can check out the latest RussCon Report.

July 21 2003: I recommend Hermann Hesse's novel Siddhartha. Also thanks to Max Abrahams who found this URL for Rossman's Bench archive which old-timers may enjoy.

Boardgamers can check out the latest RussCon Report.

July 14 2003: I saw part 3 of the Cremaster Cycle, a very odd set of films that are visually stunning but slow and enigmatic. If you like weird movies, you should definitely check out Cremaster.

Boardgamers can check out the latest RussCon Report.

July 7 2003: I saw 2 good (and quite different) movies this weekend: Capturing The Friedmans and 28 Days Later.

Boardgamers can check out the latest RussCon Report.

Here are the older news blurbs.

All my stuff on these pages is Copyright © 2000-2004 by Russ Williams.
Ko Fight Club is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics. Check my links page for more Keen comics.
Rings & Lists
keenspace 99 Click this once a day to push me up the Keenspace 99 popularity list and view other comics on that list. (The old Keenspace 100 list died...)
Funny Papers 100 Click this once a day to push me up the Funny Papers 100 popularity list and view the other comics there.

Utopia Limited

Rapscallion�s adventures in dementia. UL boasts talking animals, drug use, and (wussy) space pirates. We also provide immature sexual gags and nonstop allusion to masturbation. This comic is absolutely NOT for children!


This is a nifty random KeenSpace Javascript newsbox thingie created by Chris Chobotor at David and John.

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The comic strippers has lots of comic sites!
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